On 17th of Dec,i went for min n ting(twins) birthday party,so i met alot of old frenz there,we were provided wif delicious food n BBQ(thankz shaun 4 helpin me 2 grill the food),then i spent 3o minutes wif their uncle,wat a nice man,tatz y my face did not appear in any pic but nvm,after the dinner,they plan 2 play ermm "TRUTH OR DARE" ,most of them chose Dare cuz shy 2 tell the truth infront of galz or guyz,i did not join them unfortunately,haha mayb luckily!!!I was observing their games while talking 2 my frens,they were awesome cuz could come out wif so many kinds of ideas like kissing ,dancing,drinking,n....(picture),tatz all !!!
These r the birthday gals ting n min
1st cake,(i only tasted this 1)
These r the birthday gals ting n min